ستقام الدورة في دبي بتاريخ 23 فبراير لمدة يومين
مهارات الملهمين و أسرارالمؤثرين
ستقام الدورة في دبي بتاريخ 23 فبراير لمدة يومين
AETC (AUFUQ Al EBDAA Training Center) is a dedicated training institute working on equipping children & adults with the skills, knowledge and ethics in an inspiring and enjoyable environment.
AETC targets a rich domain of personal and professional development courses for the individuals and corporates which are accredited Council for Award in Care, Health and Education (CACHE) and Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) Organizations in UK.
This course will introduce you to the theoretical background of youth development work. The program will explore work from different theories and researchers about youth in different social contexts and try to relate general theories about s
This course will explore different practices and ideas of learning which are relevant and helpful in youth development work. The main focus is on youth development workers role as educators, i.e. 'learning facilitators'.
This course will kick off by defining youth in the context of healthy lifestyle and health. It discusses and explains how youth should be part of any planning and implementation program that targets them and how to encourage them to particip
This course will bring into light all the vital management roles and task-play that any youth development worker may need to perform. It discusses different concepts and theories of management and shows you how to manage staff and resources
This course focuses on developing skills which are applicable while investigating, analyzing and influencing policy-making processes that result in welfare services. It focuses in particular on the scope and nature of youth policy.
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